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Muffakham Jah college of engineering & Technology (MJCET), committed to quality education, was established in the year 1980 by Sultan-Ul-Uloom Education Society (SUES) which is formed by a group of visionaries & intellectuals from various walks of life. It was their dream to contribute a pool of talented engineers and technologists to the national pool so that they could contribute towards the development and progress of the nation.

The college is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad. It has been accredited by NAAC with Grade A+ in the year 2024. NBA accreditation was obtained in the year 2002 and the application for reaccreditation is pending with the National Board of Accreditation. Over the years MJCET has emerged as a premier institution that believes in the mantra of providing Quality Education.

Offering 7 BE courses over four years of Engineering with an intake of 840 and two year ME Courses in four specialization with an intake of 84, the institute has carved a niche in the Engineering Education and presents diverse options of a rewarding career to the aspiring engineering graduates.

Establishment of Research Centres in five Departments is an indication of the institutional commitment towards furtherance of knowledge through research. Research Scholars allotted by the Osmania University pursue their Ph. D. research in these research centres.

To shape the aspiring graduates to well-rounded engineers the institute maintains stringent academic standards, adopts innovative teaching methodologies, encourages co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and creates a platform to expose the learners to a variety of challenges related to academic, societal, cultural and industry-related issues. There are various Students’ Chapters and Clubs in the college that not only create an environment to transform the graduates to multi-skilled and multi-tasking individuals but also help them bloom to future leaders.



“To be a part of the universal human quest for development and progress by contributing high calibre, ethical and socially responsible engineers who meet the global challenge of building a modern society in harmony with nature.”.


  • To attain excellence in imparting technical education from the undergraduate to through doctoral levels by adopting coherent and judiciously coordinated curricular and co-curricular programs.
  • To foster a partnership with industry and Governmental agencies through collaborative research and consultancy.
  • To nurture and strengthen auxiliary soft skills for overall development and improved employability in a multicultural workspace.
  • To develop scientific temper and spirit of enquiry in order to harness the innovative talents.
  • To develop a constructive attitude in the students towards the task of nation-building and empower them to become future leaders.
  • To nourish the entrepreneurial instincts of the students and hone their business acumen.
  • To involve the student and faculty in solving local community problems through economical and sustainable solutions.

Dr. Mahipal Singh Rawat

Dr Mahipal Singh Rawat Graduated from the University of Roorkee (Now IIT-R) in 1983 and was the recipient of the Thomson award for securing a second position. Joined BHEL Corporate R&D Hyderabad in 1983 and completed a PhD from IIT Bombay on “Role of Residual Stresses on Life of 12% Cr Steel Used in Thermal Power Plants” in 2002. He completed MBA (HR) from IGNOU and diploma on “Quality Reliability and Operations Research” from Indian Statistical Institute, Madras.

He started his career at BHEL Corporate R & D Hyderabad undertaking several developmental projects in the area of Non-destructive testing of power plant components and carried out a number of Failure Investigations & Residual Life Assessment Studies. He has four patents to the credit and contributed a number of technical papers in National and International seminars as well as journals. His papers have been published in Scopus and Web of Science. He also successfully completed a project titled “Castability studies of castings for Advanced Ultra Super Critical Power Plant (AUSC)” as the Principal Investigator. The project was completed under the supervision of the office of Principal Scientific Adviser to Prime Minister.

Dr Rawat is a trained NDT personnel and has received training in various non-destructive evaluation techniques at EPRI USA, IRIS USA and Physical Acoustics UK. During his tenure at Corporate R&D Hyderabad, has guided a number of M.Tech students mainly from NIT Warangal and is currently a supervisor for the PhD student of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. He also had been a reviewer for International Journal of Industrial Chemistry. Being superannuated from BHEL as the General Manager in August 2019, he joined Greater Noida Institute of Technology (GNIOT), Greater Noida as a Professor & Head, Mechanical Engineering Department. As the conference coordinator at GNIOT he successfully organized International e-Conference on “Cutting Edges in Mechanical Engineering” on February 20, 2021dinator. He joined MJCET as thePrincipal on 15th Nov 2021.


Accreditation is vital for an educational institution since the recognition from an accrediting body/agency ensures that the accredited institution / program maintains the desirable academic standards. It also attests the fact that the institute offers the best infrastructure to support the teaching-learning process.

The two major accrediting bodies are:

  • National Board of Accreditation (NBA) which accredits individual programs by assessing the quality of the academic programmes, the research potential and academic achievements
  • National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) which accredis the institution by identifying the institution’s strengths and opportunities in terms of faculty, infrastructure, conducive teaching-learning environment and outcomes.

These accreditations not only place an institute at a higher pedestal in the global academic map but also convince the stakeholders about the enhanced employability scope in a globalized multi-cultural work space, thereby improving the campus placements.

Muffakham Jah college of Engineering & Technology is accredited by NAAC in 2024 with Grade A+
Muffakham Jah college of Engineering & Technology was accredited by NBA in 2002. SAR for reaccreditation is pending with the NBA


38th rank among top 246 best Private Engineering Colleges in India
61st position among 170 Private Engineering College in India, and 4th position among top 20 best Private Engineering colleges in Telangana
81ST rank among top 260 best Govt. & Private engineering colleges in India. 54TH rank among top 231 best Private engineering colleges in India. 29TH rank among top 145 best Private engineering colleges in South. 7TH rank among top 34 best Private engineering colleges in Hyderabad
NIRF Innovation Category Ranking 2023. MJCET Ranked in Band of 101-150 in the Innovation Category


  • Centrally located in the heart of Hyderabad city, the capital of Telangana, with eco-friendly Green Campus spread over an area of 24 acres.
  • Accredited by NAAC in 2024 with grade A+
  • 5 Programs accredited by NBA in 2002. SAR for accreditation of all eight BE programs has been submitted.
  • Institution included under sections 2(f) and 12(b) by UGC.
  • Wi-Fi enabled campus offering free service to the students and faculty.
  • ICT enabled classrooms, laboratories and seminar halls
  • Fully automated Central library with over 64635 volumes and access to over 100 National and over 450 International E-Journals through subscription to various data bases
  • CCTV monitored campus
  • Qualified and experienced faculty with about 40% of them possessing Ph. D. degree.
  • Over 154 placement offers from 30+ companies to the 2023 batch
  • Student professional chapters like IEEE, ACM, IEI, ICI, EWB-INDIA, SAE, CSI, Microsoft Student Chapter etc.
  • Local student activity clubs such as E-Cell, Robotics club, Orators club etc.
  • Recognized local chapter of NPTEL
Total Research Scholars
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering


Accredited by

NAAC with grade A+

Patents Published


Patents Granted


Research Centres


University Ranks (2023)


Professional Chapters


UG Courses offered

MJCET offers BE Courses in 7 Branches and ME Courses in 4 specializations from the academic year 2024-25. The current intake of all BE Courses is 840, in addition to 84 students in ME Programs. 10% intake would be for diploma holders who want to take lateral admission in the 2nd year of BE courses.

The BE courses of 4 years’ duration are as follows:

UG Courses offered
Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)
UG Courses offered
Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
UG Courses offered
UG Courses offered
Computer Science & Engineering
UG Courses offered
Electronics & Communication Engineering
UG Courses offered
Mechanical Engineering
UG Courses offered
Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)

PG Courses offered

The ME courses are of 2 years’ duration. The college offers the following ME courses:

UG Courses offered
Civil Engineering Department
Structural Engineering
UG Courses offered
Computer Science and Engineering Department
UG Courses offered
Electrical Engineering Department
Power Electronic Systems
UG Courses offered
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
Embedded Systems & VLSI Design
UG Courses offered
Mechanical Engineering Department
  • Faculty
  • R & D
  • Consultancy
  • Extracurricular Activities


The teaching fraternity of MJCET is best known for their intellectual virtue in their respective fields, stimulating teaching techniques, dynamic enthusiasm, sound character, flexibility and their grounded ethical confidence. The strength of MJCET is indeed a reflection of their skills, innovation and passion.

In their intellectual pursuit, the self-motivated faculty of MJCET not only take responsibility of shaping future engineers but are also very conscious about their own professional development. Thus, they exhibit deep involvement in cutting-edge research and keep themselves abreast with new developments in the realm of science and technology.

The greatness of a professional institution does not lie only in generating greater numbers in terms of university ranks or students’ placements, but also depends on its research culture that aims at impacting the society by large with its research innovations. The successful patented projects such as ‘Solar Powered Spinning Wheel’ or ‘Personal Safety System to Protect Individual from Attackers’ indeed prove this very objective of materializing a novel idea to touch the lives of common people in the society. In addition, the faculty have been extensively engaged in publishing articles in nationally and internationally recognized journals. They have authored books, delivered scholarly lectures, presented papers on national and international conferences and seminars and embraced various service oriented roles.

There are 173 faculty members working in various branches of MJCET out of which 28 are professors, 31 are Associate Professors and 111 are Assistant Professors. The Faculty-Student ratio is 1:20.



Pursuing Ph. D.




R & D

In the era of globalisation the role of research in an academic institution is essential for its sustainability and growth. MJCET believes that it is imperative to have knowledge-driven growth based on innovative ideas. Behind every research there is an inquisitive mind that longs to go beyond the set frame. The research and development initiatives taken by our institute are anchored on building a research culture among students and faculty which in turn strengthen the knowledge foundation. The valuable knowledge gained through research enables the faculty to make significant value-addition to the classroom teaching and consequently help students to internalize the theoretical knowledge to come up with technological solutions with societal impact. The institute provides grants-in-aid for individual as well as collaborative work related to futuristic research that promises to solve multifarious issues faced by the society. The Research and Development centre also assists faculty, research scholars and students in filing research proposals for grants from various funding agencies like DST, AICTE, MHRD etc. and also facilitates the process of filing of IPRs like patents and copy rights.

The research ambience is consolidated with the state-of-the-art laboratories, research centres, highly equipped library, liberal funding and most importantly, the self-motivated and passionate faculty who along with their expert teaching aid in evolution of the institute as a knowledge-reservoir. The successful patents attest the fact that, when an institution aims at catalysing the germination of ideas, it is bound to create its brand in the academic and in the industrial realm.

R & D at a glance:

Budget for 2020-2021: 38 lakhs
Average No. Of R & D projects in a year : 14 projects
No. Of Patents granted: 2
No. Of Patents published: 3


The Civil Engineering department of MJCET extends its human resource and research infrastructure to offer consultancy services to both government and private organizations. The competent faculty of the Civil Engineering Department have been rendering their consultancy services since 2003 which in turn strengthen industry-academia relationships. The clients benefited through the expertise of the faculty include GHMC, National Consultancy for Planning and Engineering, A.P. Police Housing Corporation and so on.

For illustration, a list of the types of consultancy services being offered is given below:

  • Proof checking and structural designing of building of AP Police Housing Corporation.
  • Stability check of buildings hoisting mobile phone towers in GHMC area.
  • Third party quality control of road work area which includes Mix design, quality check for water bound Macadam road, Cement concrete roads and Bitumen roads in GHMC limits.
  • The department also has signed MoU with National Consultancy for Planning and Engineering (NCPE) as a third party quality control check for design of Civil Engineering projects like Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), over head water tanks, buildings, water supply and road network for Telangana Government’s prestigious 2 BHK Housing Project.

Extracurricular Activities

MJCET strongly believes that the true objectives of an Engineering programme would never be complete if the focus is laid only on empowering learners with technical competencies, but not on bringing a well-rounded personality development.

MJCET embraces several initiatives so that learners’ hard skills can be intertwined with essential soft skills and life skills. An array of extracurricular activities and structured co-curricular activities is encouraged and guided by various students’ chapters and clubs in the college like IEEE, SAE, EWB, ICI, IEI, ACM, CSE, Orators’ Club etc. The faculty members encourage students to maximize the benefit of their educational journey by associating themselves with various student bodies and thus strive for excellence by the right amalgamation of body, heart and mind.


Mount Pleasant, 8-2-249 to 267, Road No. 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 034, Telangana State, India