SU Knowledge Hub Foundation Hosts “Innovator's Fest 24” to Propel Tech Start-ups on 11th June 2024

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Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology has been Accredited by the NAAC with Grade A+ in the year 2024

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The Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society was established in the year 1980 with a philanthropic conviction of imparting high quality education to the students at different levels.

It is a premier Education Society with a venerable legacy and undeniable acclaim for highest academic standards, diverse educational and research programmes, distinguished faculty, illustrious alumni, modern infrastructure and a beautifully landscaped lush green campus.

Founding Fathers

The Society was founded on the rich tradition of culture, enterprise and sound values, characteristic of its three visionary founding members, each an accomplished and successful individual in his own right.

Ghulam Ahmed
Late Shri Syed Amjad Ali Khan, I.A.S, Chairman of the Society, was a distinguished Civil servant. He held several important and coveted posts in Government of A.P., like the Secretary to Government, Revenue and Health Housing and Municipal Administration. He also served as the Chairman of A.P. Housing Board.
Ghulam Ahmed
Late Shri Ghulam Ahmed, Hon. Secretary, was the Chairman of the A.P. Public Service Commission. He was a distinguished sportsman, and served as the Captain of the Indian Cricket Team. After his retirement, he served for many years as the secretary of BCCI and the Chairman of the Hyderabad Race Club.
Nizamuddin Ahmed
Late Shri. Nizamuddin Ahmed was a distinguished bureaucrat of the Maharashtra cadre. He served in several important positions including the Principal Secretary, Department of Health, Government of Maharashtra.

Vision & Mission

This is a Muslim Minority institution set up to promote General, Modern, Scientific and Technical education including Medical, Dental, Engineering, Pharmacy, Legal, Business Administration, Bio-Technology., Journalism, Physical Education, Vocational Training, distance Learning, all Para-medical and allied Health Science like Nursing, Physiotherapy, Health Care, Laboratory Technician course and to help develop the Character of the younger generation of all Castes, communities and religions in general and of Muslims in Particulars.

  • The establishment of Technical, Scientific and Educational Institutions at all levels and of diverse types, both residential and non-residential and non-residential.
  • The establishment of reading rooms, libraries, Laboratories.
  • The establishment of Gymnasia, playgrounds, sports clubs and coaching in different items of athletics, games and sports.
  • The establishment of debating societies and holding of and / or participating in debating competitions.
  • Organising and / or participating in seminars, conferences, symposia and other gatherings convened for the purpose of promoting education, character building and developing the talent of the youth.
  • The encouragement of writing, production and distribution of books, periodicals, magazines and news-letters for the purpose of promotion of education and character building.
  • Undertaking of run education and other institutions of the type listed in subclauses above on behalf of the persons and / or bodies now in charge of those institutions.

Constituent Institutions

Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society established in 1980, is performing a vital service to students. A strong commitment to excellence in teaching, research and social outreach has made the Society a role-model and trend setter for others to follow. Its long-term commitment of imparting quality education and unflinching adherence to universal human values are reflected in its motto: ‘LIGHTED TO ENLIGHTEN’.

The first institution to be established by the SUES was the Sultan-ul-Uloom Public School in the year 1980, then came the Muffakham Jah College of Engineering & Technology, followed by Ghulam Ahmed College of Education, Sultan-ul-Uloom College of Law, Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration, Sultan-ul-Uloom College of Pharmacy and Sultan-ul-Uloom Junior College. Post graduate courses are offered in all the professional colleges of the campus.

These institutes offer education from Nursery to Doctorate level. They help students hone their professional skills and acquire the best capabilities in their respective disciplines. Most of the institutions have National ranking by the NIRF and are accredited by National Accreditation bodies like NBA and NAAC.

Today, all the campus institutions are flourishing academically and have carved a name for themselves in the State. Over the years every institute has assiduously accomplished its goals and is doing exceptionally well. More than 9,200 students are enjoying the benefits of quality education in these institutions. Each college has a spacious and well equipped library where books and journals are updated every year. For promotion of Research and innovation, there is a fully functional Incubation & research centre in the Engineering college of the campus. State of the art facilities are provided for Sports and games in the sprawling campus of the Society. A Health Clinic and a Bank are also available in the Campus, for the benefit of the Staff and students.

All the Campus institutions boast of excellent results, the Sultan-ul-Uloom Public School has a 100% pass record since 28 years. Many of the campus students are University toppers in different disciplines, every year. The careers of thousands of students are shaped in the vicinity of the campus. The campus colleges are a thriving hub of entrepreneurship and provide excellent placement facilities to the students. Many students are recruited by top multinational companies on high salaries every year.


The members of teaching faculty are highly qualified and experienced, around 100 Ph.D. holders are working in different campus colleges. The performance of the staff is evaluated and appraised every year to monitor their progress and performance. They are rewarded with salary enhancement, promotions, etc. based on their performance. A special Incentive scheme in the Society motivates the staff to upgrade their professional skills. They are presented with incentives for filing patents, writing books, publishing research articles in reputed journals, etc. They are also given facilities like, ESI, EPF, Health insurance, etc.

Corporate Social Responsibility

As a part of CSR, the SUES runs five branches of schools in the old city area of Hyderabad, where the tuition fee is highly subsidized and orphan children are provided free uniforms and books. These schools run are under the name of Sultan-ul-Uloom Public School, with branches in Syed Ali Chabutra Branch, Hafiz Baba Nagar, Khazipura, Hussainialam and Golkonda.


Mr. Mohammed Waliullah

I strongly believe that, there can be no better way to improve our nation’s prosperity and social economic well-being than through its education system.

Sultan-Ul-Uloom Education Society was established more than 4 decades back, with a mission to equip students of diverse disciplines with the skills and competencies needed in today’s fast changing world.

I take this opportunity to urge all the academicians to focus on imparting quality education, promote all round development and instill moral, ethical values in the students. Follow the advice of Nelson Mandela who said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.


Honorary Secretary

The Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society, was established in 1980 by former bureaucrats and well known philanthropists, with the intention of setting up institutions imparting quality education from the Primary School level onwards.

In 1980, the Society established the Muffakham Jah College of Engineering, which within a very short span of time, emerged as a leading and prestigious Engineering College, in the erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh.

The Founders of the Society, were on a mission and had a clear vision of filling the urgent void for establishing institutions in niche areas of Technology.

Very soon under the aegis of Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society, College of Education, College of Management, College of Law, College of Pharmacy, Junior College etc. were established.

These institutions over the span of forty years have grown is reputation both at the State and also at the National level, as institutes of very high academic standards.

Almost all the Constituent Institutions run by the Society have accreditation from the “National Board of Accreditation” and "National Assessment and Accreditation Council" and have won innumerable awards from the National Assessment Boards and Ministry of Human Resource Development etc.

Leading national magazines and newspapers such as India Today, Outlook, The Week and the Times of India have ranked "Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology" in the Top Engineering Colleges of the Country.

The Society firmly believes in establishing courses in specialisation and in niche areas and in this pursuit have established Masters courses in Education, Law Management, Pharmacy and Engineering.

Today, the Society has institutions from Nursery to Research Centers offering Ph.D, recognised by the Osmania University.

To keep abreast with the evolving technology, we have introduced futuristic course like Artificial Intelligence & Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society, perhaps as a group has most accredited institutions under its aegis at the national level.

As our commitment to the underprivileged sections of the Society, we have established Six Schools in areas which do not have quality institutions in the vicinity and offer education at highly subsidised fee structure.

Our resolve and commitment to achieving High Standards of Education gets stronger by the day and we dedicate ourselves to improvement in quality with each passing day.












* Granted patents - 5, Published patents – 26


A Passion for Excellence!

In the 1980s, students of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh state had limited opportunities to pursue higher education in the area of engineering and technology. There was no engineering college for the minorities in the private sector at that time. It was in this backdrop that the Sultan Ul Uloom Education Society stepped in to establish a Muslim minority engineering college in Hyderabad with the name of Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology (MJCET) which was the dream of the visionary founders of the society.

‘Nestled deep within the acorn is the potential for a great feat!’

Today MJCET has emerged as a premier institution that believes in the mantra of providing quality technical education through continuous exposure to research, innovation and contemporary developments.Through its persistent endeavor to achieve academic excellence, MJCET has scaled great heights both in the academic world and in the realm of industry.

  • The college is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Osmania University;
  • It is accredited by NAAC in 2024 with Grade A+ for five years;
  • Intake of 7 BE programs is 900;
  • Intake of 4 ME Programs is 84;
  • Currently 63 research scholars are pursuing their doctoral course in the 5 Research Centers approved by Osmania University;
  • In-house R & D initiatives and seed-funding of projects help the faculty and student researchers in realization of their full research potential;
  • Various Students’ Chapters and Clubs in the college create a conducive environment which transforms the graduates to multi-skilled and multi-tasking individuals and also helps them to become future leaders;
  • The College helps the students in obtaining internship through MoUs with several industries;
  • Strong training and mentoring helps the students in securing jobs through on-campus placements. In 2023, over 40 companies recruited MJCET students.












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The visionaries that they were, the founding fathers of Sultan ul Uloom Education Society took the decision of introducing B. Pharm. program at the right moment in time, when the business environment of the pharmaceutical industry in the country was on the verge of making rapid strides, helped by the Government’s liberalized policy towards globalization, privatization, patent and import trade regime.

After establishing the Sultan Ul Uloom College of Pharmacy (SUCP) in the year 1997, the Society has been consistently upgrading the institution to keep pace with the ascending position of the country in the global pharmaceuticals sector. The ever increasing demand for qualified pharma graduates as scientists / research associates in the R & D sector and as patient care team members in hospitals has been acknowledged through introduction of M. Pharm and Pharm. D. courses in due course of time.

  • SUCP is approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), and affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH)
  • B. Pharm. program is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
  • Recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956
  • 8 University Gold Medalists
  • The focus has been on quality education and continuous improvement
  • The institution exhibits strong academic performance through efforts of qualified faculty, trained supporting staff, need based capital investment on sophisticated lab equipment and above all the unflinching support by the Management of Sultan-Ul-Uloom Education Society
  • The multidimensional efforts provide a strong momentum for a secure future in the competitive educational sector
  • The teaching and non-teaching staff have exhibited team synergy in adopting innovative practices to upgrade the quality of Pharmacy Education












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“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

The founders of Sultan Ul Uloom education society envisioned to create windows of opportunities for business graduates as a result of economic development in the era of liberalization.They recognised the changes in the requirement of the managerial talent, leadership skills and entrepreneurship skills needed for a developing nation like India. With this vision in mind, Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration (formerly Sultan Ul Uloom College of Business Administration) was started in the year 1991.

Over the years, the college has earned statewide recognition for its academic excellence and in meeting the needs of industry for professionally trained graduates.The college is committed to create business leaders and managers of tomorrow by equipping and empowering students with innovative techniques, new learnings and creative thinking.The college strives to harness young minds for a global perspective.

  • The college was established in the year 1991 with AICTE approval and is affiliated to the Osmania University;
  • The college intake is 180 in MBA and 60 in integrated 5 year BBA/MBA program.
  • The College offers holistic management education;
  • The College strives to develop “ Corporate Chanakyas” of tomorrow;
  • It aims to stay ahead in the learning curve, conduct seminars, workshops and case study presentations.
  • Industry Institute Interaction to infuse the class with a wealth of knowledge.

Pioneered in starting the 5 year integrated course of BBA/MBA in 2013

9th rank amongst Private B-Schools in Hyderabad as per 'Hansa Research Survey' 2021

153rd rank amongst Private B-Schools in India according to 'The Week Survey' 2021






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The Sultan - Ul - Uloom College of Law was established in the year 1989. It has made a mark as a premier Law College and has successfully completed more than three decades in educating young law aspirants. The college is located in a campus spread over 25 acres of greenery. It is also centrally located, making it easily accessible to all. The Institution is committed to academic and professional excellence and has a mission to imbibe lawyers with ethical and moral values.

  • Presently the college is offering LL.B. (3YDC), B.A., LL.B. (5YDC), BBA. LL.B (5YDC), LL.M. (Corporate Law), and LL.M. (Constitutional Law)
  • Admission for 80% seats into law courses under category ‘A’ is made by LAWCET Convener based on the rank secured by the candidate in the LAWCET/PGLAWCET entrance examination
  • Admission for the balance 20% seats under category ‘B’is made by the college in which candidates without LAWCET can also seek admission, subject to rules laid by the Convener
  • The College has experienced and skilled teaching faculty
  • There are excellent and well furnished Lecture Halls, staff rooms, seminar hall, Moot Court Hall and library with more than 5000 books and national and international magazines etc

UG Courses
3 years LL.B
5 years BA/LL.B

PG Courses
Law and LL.M-Constitutional Law

Only Muslim Minority Law College in Telangana





Proactive Legal Aid Clinic & Intensive Moot Court Training

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Ghulam Ahmed College of Education was established in the year 1985 with the mission of providing quality education to trainee teachers through the B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses.

The college is named after late Mr.Ghulam Ahmed, who served as the Hon.Secretary of Sultan-Ul-Uloom Education Society for 16 years. Late Mr. Ghulam Ahmed was a famous off-spin bowler who alsocaptained India in Test cricket. After his retirement, he served for many years as the secretary of BCCI.

  • The B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses in the College are affiliated to the Osmania University
  • The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has accorded its recognition to it
  • The college has been accredited by NAAC in 2009
  • To guarantee continuous quality assurance, the college went in for the third cycle of reaccreditation by NAAC in the year 2022-23. It was awarded A+ Grade with a score of 3.43.
  • The B.Ed. students are sent to various schools of the city for their teaching practice programme for 120 days
  • The M.Ed. students take up research in different areas related to education
  • 6 of the College students (3 of B.Ed. and 3 of M.Ed.) secured the 1st rank in the University in the past years. Every year, in the merit list of the first ten ranks of Osmania University, many are secured by the students of the College
  • The pass percentage of the B.Ed., and M.Ed., course students was 100% in the years 2022-24



Doctorate Faculty


Gold Medals


Accredited by NAAC since 2009



Intensive Internship

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Sultan-Ul-Uloom Junior College was established in 1994 and is recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education. The college is situated in the heart of the city in the picturesque area of Banjara Hills. As soon as one enters the campus, one can feel the serene atmosphere with beautiful landscapes surrounding all the institutions in the campus.

The college is located on “Mount Pleasant”, an elevated area which has marvelous surroundings, is full of greenery, hillocks, ponds and a beautiful Botanical Garden. The natural atmospheremotivates students to concentrate on learning.

  • The college offers instructions through English Medium and admits both girls and boys in the age group of 15 – 17 years in the two year course of intermediate.
  • The optional groups offered by the college are MPC, BPC, CEC and MEC.
  • The college offers coaching for engineering and medical entrance examinations.
  • The college secured 8 state ranks in the year 2021





Girl Students




Long term coaching


State Ranks in 2021

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Established in June 1980, this is a co- educational institution affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi with English as the medium of instruction. Special attention is given to character building and inculcating discipline, morality, simplicity, tolerance, compassion, responsibility, unity and brotherhood.

  • The school has well established laboratories for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Studies;
  • The school has been sanctioned ATAL Tinkering lab;
  • The students have ample indoor as well as outdoor sports facilities;
  • Art and Craft room caters to the needs of artistically inclined students;







Atal Tinkering Lab Sanctioned Rs. 20 Lakhs


Scouts & Guides UNIT

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‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give’
- Winston Churchill.

These words reflect the essence of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ as we know it today. And Sultan Ul Uloom Education society has definitely adopted this philosophy in the establishment of five public schools in the old city of Hyderabad which cater to the educational needs of the under privileged and the marginalized sections of the society.

The five schools are located in various places of the old city, namely, Golconda, Hussaini Alam, Hafiz Baba Nagar, Kazipura and Syed Ali Chabutra. All these schools are co-educational minority institutions recognized by the Govt. of Telangana and affiliated to Telangana State Board of Secondary Education.

The schools aim to provide quality education at nominal fees to the economically backward students in the old city of Hyderabad. Uniforms and books are also provided free of cost to the orphan students.

No. of Schools






Nominal Tuition Fees

Free uniforms and books for orphan students

Deeniyat Course in Curriculum

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